Steph Tzanetis

Steph was appointed as Executive Officer for Pill Testing Australia in 2023.

Steph is a member of the Pill Testing Australia consortium that worked on the 2018 and 2019 ACT trials and is a Peer Educator working at CanTEST. She has qualifications in health law, humanities, alcohol and other drugs and addictive behaviours.

Steph is an Australian legal practitioner, having volunteered for several years in community law. She has experience as a Director on a number of Boards including Harm Reduction Australia. She led Harm Reduction Victoria’s DanceWize program for 9 years and has extensive experience delivering harm reduction services in festival and nightlife settings.

Steph has worked and volunteered with harm reduction, compassionate care, and drug checking services overseas, including DanceSafe USA; Kosmicare Association, Portugal; and ANKORS, Canada.