Opioid overdose countering drug naloxone to become standard issue for WA police officers
The force will become the first in the southern hemisphere to start carrying naloxone, which can restore normal breathing within minutes of its use. […]
Greens hope to legalise cannabis nationwide with new bill, for industry expected to generate $28 billion
The decriminalisation of cannabis nationwide is one step closer as Greens senator David Shoebridge introduced a bill on Thursday which would allow adults to grow up to six plants at home. […]
Inside the plan to legalise cannabis in Australia and how it could generate billions in taxes for the government
Thousands of Australians support legalising cannabis, backing in the Greens’ plan that could generate an additional $28billion in revenue over nine years. […]
Labor under pressure for drug reform after Sydney’s spate of shootings
President of Harm Reduction Australia and Pill Testing Australia Gino Vumbaca said the organisation had offered to run free pill testing trials, both during last month’s pride month or at a future music festival, which were not responded to favourably. […]
Why medical cannabis patients should be allowed to drive
An effective framework for allowing patients who use medical cannabis to drive is one that prioritises road safety while also recognising the importance of driving for freedom of movement and quality of life, write Dr Thomas Arkell and Associate Professor Vicki Kotsirilos AM. […]
How an open-minded GP restored senator Peter Whish-Wilson’s health and saved his career
Debilitated by the pain of complication from shingles, a friend suggested he try an alternative therapy […]
‘Like an A380 going down every year’: Victorian drugs campaigner laments a political culture costing lives
Sam Biondo is leaving the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association after 16 years leading the organisation. […]
Melbourne has had Australia’s worst heroin addiction for years. Why can’t the city kick its habit?
There’s heated debate about a second safe injecting room for Victoria’s capital – yet few are asking why use of the drug is so much higher than other cities […]
‘Canary in the coal mine’: Alert for deadly fentanyl shipments at our borders
The drug fentanyl has been at the heart of a deadly and devastating opioid crisis gripping the United States, but for years has had a relatively minimal presence in Australia’s illicit drug scene. […]
Giving voice to those with ‘lived experience’ will better inform drug policy, advocates say
There’s been a long-term push for the Tasmanian government to fund an independent “‘peer-led” advisory body. […]