Reform for Roadside Drug Testing in NSW
This report provides an overview of recent data provided to the Legislative Council by the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism in New South Wales on 10 September 2024, with regards to roadside drug tests conducted over the last 5 years (by Local Area Command), number of positives by drug type and whether there has been improvements in road safety from…
HRA 2024 National AOD Data Report
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the key national data sources on alcohol & other drugs (AOD) and harm reduction in 2024. Although Australia has established routine data monitoring systems and national surveys on AOD issues, currently there is an absence of a centralised national report that collates key information from each of these data sources in one place.…
HRA & Drive Change responds to NRMA Report.
“Driving high – the need to detect drug drivers” report published by NRMA demands a response. Letter NRMA Drive Change December 2024 (1)Download […]
Stop Child Strip Searches
HRA is pleased to support an initiative led by our colleagues at Redfern Legal Centre ahead of the NSW Drug Summit aimed at stopping the strip searching of children and young people by NSW Police. An open letter has been sent to the NSW Premier and copied to the Ministers for Youth, Police, Health, and the Attorney General demanding this…
HRA submission to the Inquiry into the Impact of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Australia
Federal Inquiry into impact of AOD in Australia – HRA Submission 12102024Download […]
Harm Reduction Australia backs tobacco harm reduction
From the 1st of October, Australians will legally be able to purchase nicotine vaping products from participating pharmacies. While an improvement on previous legislation which required people to acquire a medical prescription to purchase a vape, this approach remains inadequate and imposes significant barriers for people seeking alternatives to deadly cigarettes. […]
Synthetic Opioid Detected in Broadmeadows Deaths – Time for Action to Prevent Further Deaths
Police investigating the deaths of four people in Broadmeadows on 25 June 2024, have now revealed that a synthetic opioid was detected in the bodies of all four people. Investigations are ongoing, and although Victoria Police have ruled out fentanyl, they have confirmed that preliminary tests found the presence of a synthetic opioid. […]
HRA talks with Antony Loewenstein
HRA’s CEO Annie Madden spoke with renowned author Antony Loewenstein about the future of drug policy in Australia and around the world. […]
New Report Exposes Chronic Under-funding of Life Saving Harm Reduction Services
Executive Director, Dr Annie Madden AO said “this first report in the ‘drug budget’ series in over a decade exposes the ‘clay feet’ of Australian drug policy. For decades Australian governments have sold the lie that Australia’s National Drug Strategy is based on a balanced approach to addressing illicit drug use across supply, demand and harm reduction approaches. […]
Victorian medicinal cannabis patients will be allowed behind the wheel to test road safety
The Australian Legal Alliance (ALA) has also called for the prosecution of medicinal cannabis patients who are driving while unimpaired to be paused while the trial is undertaken. ALA national president Shaun Marcus said drivers were being prosecuted merely for having a substance in their body rather than potentially dangerous impaired driving. […]