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June 24

Gino Vumbaca OAM

President and Co-Founder

Gino Vumbaca is the Principal of 3V Consulting Services.

Mr Vumbaca has extensive experience in the HIV/ AIDS and drug and alcohol fields both in Australia and internationally. He is a Churchill Fellow, has completed a Social Work degree and a Master of Business Administration at the University of Sydney and is a qualified Company Director. […]


Tony Trimingham

Vice President, Treasurer and Co-Founder

Tony Trimingham is CEO of  Family Drug Support which he started after receiving many phone calls from families suffering the effects of illicit drugs after he went public about the death of his son Damien from a heroin drug overdose.

He has been a counsellor and group leader for 30 years and these skills have helped him assist many families who suffer the impact on their lives of family members who use alcohol and other drugs. […]

Annie Madden

Annie Madden

Executive Director and Co-Founder

Annie Madden is the Executive Director of Harm Reduction Australia, which is a part time role she holds alongside a part time role as a Project Lead with the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD). Annie has provided technical expertise to UNODC, WHO, UNAIDS and has been a member of Australian Government delegations to the UN General Assembly. […]


Niki Parry


Niki Parry has studied social sciences and has worked in the community and health sectors for approximately 15 years now, with most of this time dedicated to AOD health organisations including Hepatitis NSW as well as the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre. Niki is currently employed by QuIHN (the QLD Injectors Health Network) where she is the Coordinator of QPAMS- the QLD Pharmacotherapy Advocacy and Mediation Service. […]

Chloe Span

Chloe Span

Chloe is the Victorian Project Officer for Family Drug Support Australia (FDS) and is responsible for running support groups, community workshops and the FDS flagship program, ‘Stepping Stones to Success’ for families effected by problematic alcohol and drug use.

She has a background in case management for people receiving unemployment benefits, is a Board Member of Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia and is in her qualifying degree to become a social worker. […]

Dorota Sacha-Krol

Executive Officer

Dorota is the Executive Officer at Harm Reduction Australia. She has worked in a number of policy positions across the Australian public service and has had extensive experience in research and policy development relating to drugs and law-enforcement. Dorota also holds a Doctorate in Politics. […]


Frank Hansen

Superintendent Frank Hansen APM commenced his career in the NSW Police Force in1970.  At the time of his retirement at the end of 2010 he held the position of Local Area Commander, Rosehill.

Following 15 years in drug law enforcement Superintendent Hansen was promoted to Superintendent in 1994.  He then occupied various positions including Local Area Commander, Cabramatta for 2 years (2001/2); and Commander, Drug and Alcohol Coordination, State Crime Command (8 years) before his last position on retirement. […]

Garth Popple of WHO'S - We Help Ourselves at former Rozelle Hospital site. Rozelle pictured in the relaxing gardens setting.

Garth Popple

Garth Popple is the Executive Director, We Help Ourselves (WHOS) and Director of WHOS International. He currently holds the following honorary positions: Deputy Chair (ex officio past President) Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association (ATCA); and recently Executive Member of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) for the past 13 years; a recent Past President – International Federation of NGOs. […]


Greg Denham

I fully support Harm Reduction Australia and believe that its formation is much needed and long overdue. I believe Harm Reduction Australia should endorse and promote harm reduction as a policy approach, an area which has been significantly neglected over recent years despite its cost effectiveness and strong evidence base. Harm Reduction Australia is well placed to advocate for programs that seek to reduce the impact of illicit drugs to both individuals and communities. […]


Jake Rance

Jake is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH), UNSW Sydney, where for over 10 years he has worked with people who inject drugs, including those living with hepatitis C or imprisoned.

Jake sits on the editorial board of the International Journal of Drug Policy and the Harm Reduction Journal and works closely with government and community-based organisations engaged in advocacy, health promotion and service provision for people who inject drugs. […]


Kate Dolan

In 1986 Professor Dolan along with several others started the first needle and syringe program in Australia, the third in the world. She evaluated the needle and syringe program in the UK for six years. Dr Dolan received her PhD from the University of NSW in Sydney in 1997.

In 2003, Kate established the Program of International Research and Training. […]


Nick Crofts

Professor Nick Crofts is an epidemiologist and public health practitioner who has been working in the fields of HIV/AIDS, illicit drugs, harm reduction and law enforcement for over 30 years. His major epidemiological work has been on the control of HIV and hepatitis C among injecting drug users in Australia (for which he received an NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship) and globally, including almost every country in Asia, for which he received the International Rolleston Award from the International Harm Reduction Association in 1998. […]


Penelope Hill

Penny Hill is a PhD candidate at the Burnet Institute investigating the impact of health service use on opioid overdose among people who inject drugs, and works for the Centre for Research Excellence into Injecting Drug Use (CREIDU) and the National Naloxone Reference Group (NNRG). Penny has a background as a community health worker in harm reduction and needle syringe programs across Melbourne and Sydney, is the founder of Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia, and is a Board Member of Harm Reduction Victoria, Harm Reduction Australia and is the Oceania Representative to the International Drug Consortium’s Members Advisory Council. […]

Steph Tzanetis

Steph Tzanetis

Stephanie is a member of the Pill Testing Australia consortium that worked on the 2018 and 2019 ACT trials. She has qualifications in law, humanities, and alcohol and other drugs and is a physical and mental health first aider.

She has been Harm Reduction Victoria’s DanceWize program coordinator since July 2013 and is a board member of Drug Policy Australia and PRISM. […]