Erica Franklin

Erica is a dedicated advocate for harm reduction with extensive experience in drug education and community outreach. She holds a degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice, and completed an honours thesis focused on the consumption patterns of novel and emerging psychoactive substances.

Erica has worked for the NSW Users and Aids Association, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Kirketon Road Centre, the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, and various Needle and Syringe Programs. She has extensive experience delivering harm reduction initiatives at music festival and nightlife settings which gained during her 6-year tenure at DanceWize NSW where she contributed to significant organisational growth.

Erica is deeply committed to empowering communities and championing human rights, social justice, and self-determined health. Since 2017, she has been an active member of Reclaim the Streets, playing a key role in organizing large-scale grass roots “protest-ivals”—street-based festivals that combine activism with music. These events have addressed critical issues such as marriage equality, trans nightlife safety, and drug user rights and drug law reform.