Families, Professionals and Yound People Report (2024-06-19)
Global consensus and dissensus on drug policy
Virginia Approves Naloxone for Law Enforcement
Obama Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Free Nonviolent Drug Offenders
“Cartel Land”: A crazy, violent trip into Mexico’s deadly drug war and America’s border paranoia
Call to make ecstasy legal and sell it at pharmacies
The System: A sprawling novel about the war on drugs
The real reason marijuana is illegal in the United States
5 Ways Harm Reduction Can Help Modernise Policing
New Cases in Indiana HIV Crisis Down as States Struggle to Address Opioid Epidemic
Taking Harm Reduction Seriously
The Obama administration just made a big move toward a sane medical marijuana policy
Federal Judge: My Drug War Sentences Were ‘Unfair and Disproportionate’
Harm Reduction Australia talks with Antony Loewenstein
A broad consensus? It’s time for change. #SupportDontPunish (IDPC)
NZ Drug Foundation civil society statement to the plenary of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem (NZ Drug Foundation)
Vancouver has pioneered a people-first approach to drug issues (Open Society Foundations)
Why the war on drugs is a huge failure (Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell)
Marc Lewis: Learning Addiction, Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2015
HIV/AIDS: Harm Reduction (Science Magazine / Alex Wodak / Marianne Jauncey etc., Australia)
Ethan Nadelmann speaks about Harm Reduction (Drug Policy Alliance, US)
Allan Clear – what is harm reduction? (Harm Reduction Coalition, US)
Harm reduction needs funding! (, International)
Harm reduction 101 safer drug use (Victoria AIDS Resource & Community Service Society, Canada)
Harm Reduction & Me – Magdalena Harris (New Zealand)
Ethan Nadelmann: Harm Reduction and Drug Policy Reform (US)
Transformation: the Alchemy of Harm Reduction (US)
Harm reduction films for drug users ( UK)
Youth harm reduction (weird & overdramatic but interesting, US)
COFFEE SHOPS AND COMPROMISE: The Success of Dutch Drug Policy
TED talks Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong