Articles & Videos


Families, Professionals and Yound People Report (2024-06-19)

Global consensus and dissensus on drug policy

Virginia Approves Naloxone for Law Enforcement

Obama Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Free Nonviolent Drug Offenders

“Cartel Land”: A crazy, violent trip into Mexico’s deadly drug war and America’s border paranoia

Call to make ecstasy legal and sell it at pharmacies

The System: A sprawling novel about the war on drugs

The real reason marijuana is illegal in the United States

5 Ways Harm Reduction Can Help Modernise Policing

New Cases in Indiana HIV Crisis Down as States Struggle to Address Opioid Epidemic

Taking Harm Reduction Seriously

“The Cartel” author Don Winslow on the war on drugs: “There is an exit strategy — legalize drugs, and treat them as the social problem that they are”

The Obama administration just made a big move toward a sane medical marijuana policy

Addiction is not a disease: A neuroscientist argues that it’s time to change our minds on the roots of substance abuse

Federal Judge: My Drug War Sentences Were ‘Unfair and Disproportionate’


Harm Reduction Australia talks with Antony Loewenstein

A broad consensus? It’s time for change. #SupportDontPunish (IDPC)

NZ Drug Foundation civil society statement to the plenary of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem (NZ Drug Foundation)

Vancouver has pioneered a people-first approach to drug issues (Open Society Foundations)

Why the war on drugs is a huge failure (Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell)

Marc Lewis:  Learning Addiction, Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2015

HIV/AIDS: Harm Reduction (Science Magazine / Alex Wodak / Marianne Jauncey etc., Australia)

Ethan Nadelmann speaks about Harm Reduction (Drug Policy Alliance, US)

Allan Clear – what is harm reduction? (Harm Reduction Coalition, US)

Harm reduction needs funding! (, International)

Harm reduction 101 safer drug use (Victoria AIDS Resource & Community Service Society, Canada)

Harm Reduction & Me – Magdalena Harris (New Zealand)

Ethan Nadelmann: Harm Reduction and Drug Policy Reform (US)

Transformation: the Alchemy of Harm Reduction (US)

Harm reduction films for drug users ( UK)

Youth harm reduction (weird & overdramatic but interesting, US)

COFFEE SHOPS AND COMPROMISE: The Success of Dutch Drug Policy

TED talks Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong