Sam Biondo

The role of an organisation such as Harm Reduction Australia will be invaluable in maintaining a clear focus on health and welfare policies that make a positive difference in our community. By focussing on endeavours that build on past harm minimisation successes the desire is to steer a progressive, non-punitive approach which enhances the lives of individuals, their loved ones and communities affected by drug use and the limited policy options available. Harm Reduction Australia will help build the next phase of harm minimisation and harm reduction strategies that are so needed to meet the many drug focussed challenges currently present in our community.

Sam is Executive Officer of the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association. VAADA is the peak organisation representing AOD service providers in Victoria. It’s stakeholders and members also include consumers of drug and alcohol related services; those affected by drug and alcohol misuse; members of the broader community and other related sectors. Sam was previously employed by Fitzroy Legal Service and has a background in education, social work and Criminology. His principal work has involved social research, the production of educational materials and advocacy work. He has a keen interest in social justice, open and transparent systems of institutional accountability and has been involved on a number of community sector Boards, reference committees, and NGO associations.