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  • Harm reduction saves lives
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Harm Reduction Australia (HRA) is a national organisation for individuals across Australia to join together in their commitment to reducing the health, social and economic harms potentially associated with drug use. Making your voice heard is crucial if we are to achieve more humane, effective and balanced drug policies in Australia and beyond. To help join now and show your support.

Latest News

2024 National Harm Reduction Forum

Currently in Australia, there is no regular mechanism to unite and bring those working in and around harm reduction and related sectors together at the national level. The National Harm Reduction Forum 2024 is a free, online event for important conversations on harm reduction and drug policy reform in Australia.

This year’s forum will focus on current gaps in the response and areas for innovation in harm reduction and drug policy reform in Australia in 2024 and beyond. […]

New Report Exposes Chronic Under-funding of Life Saving Harm Reduction Services

Executive Director, Dr Annie Madden AO said “this first report in the ‘drug budget’ series in over a decade exposes the ‘clay feet’ of Australian drug policy. For decades Australian governments have sold the lie that Australia’s National Drug Strategy is based on a balanced approach to addressing illicit drug use across supply, demand and harm reduction approaches. […]
